The Mee Foundation, Inc.

A nonprofit with a mission to offer the Mee human-centered user experience for the internet.

Our Principles

Here’s what we live by

Human Centered Design
The Foundation follows an architectural pattern for the internet which places individuals and their user agents at the center of personal data flows. Flows of personal data should always be mediated by a user agent. No personal data should flow directly from one app/site to another.
User Control and Privacy
The Foundation seeks to shift as much control as possible over their personal data to the individual while complying with applicable law. The individual must explicitly opt-in to any processing and the individual must have the ability to delegate rights over their data to other individuals.
Data Rights and Portability
Where personal data must be collected by entities, the Foundation promotes the individual's ability to access, edit, and delete their data regardless of what entity collects it. These rights enable the individual's user agents to move it freely from one entity to another within the Mee Data Network, as well as to download a copy of their data.
The Foundation promotes the development of personal, trusted, identity agent technology to empower individuals and work entirely on their behalf.
The Foundation believes that individuals should have digital embodiments of themselves (identity agents) that are as independent of administrative authorities as possible.
The Foundation promotes a decentralized architecture where power and control are distributed rather than centralized in a few entities or platforms.
Openness and Transparency
The Foundation believes in open practices, transparency, and accountability. This principle extends to our organizational practices, governance, and the software we develop, all of which is published on GitHub.
The Foundation is a non-profit that works on behalf of individuals and has no incentive to make money from their personal data.
Private Advertising
The Foundation enables apps/sites whose service providers earn revenues from advertizing, to continue to do so. However, in contrast to prevailing adtech that relies on tracking individuals across the web, the Foundation fosters the development of private advertising technology which allows ad personalization based on a person's membership in cohorts with similar interests, but does not rely on tracking.
The Foundation requires that all service providers' apps/sites that exchange data on the Mee Data Network be authorized. They must comply with the Foundation's UX guidelines and execute a MDN License that constrains how they manage the individual's personal data so as to maximize privacy. For example, service providers may not share/sell personal information without explicit consent of the individual. The Foundation maintains a public registry of authorized service providers' apps/sites that are certified to display the Mee trust mark. It enforces this license on behalf of Mee users.
The Foundation prioritizes the security of internet users, employing the best security practices in software development and operations.
The Foundation offers its services for free to individuals to ensure that everyone has access to, and can participate in, the benefits of control over their personal information regardless of geographic location, socioeconomic status, or preferred technology platform.


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